Over the holidays, I heard a Willow Creek Community Church podcast; Donald Miller was the guest speaker. During his sermon, Miller asserted that we are tied to each other through our relationships and become a representation of one another. We are one person, but we can be many different things to different people. I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a daughter, a counselor and a friend. When I am connected to people, I represent them. I might hear, "Oh that's Kevin's wife," or "That's Kati's, Callie's, Derick's & Ryan's mom." Whether I want to be this portrayal is not even a consideration. I AM a representation of my family and friends. When we create relationships, we are bound. I am one with my husband, Kevin, even though we have different bodies. Everywhere I go, I have the opportunity to dignify or disgrace him by how I carry myself. He and I are one; we affect each other. When I ponder this idea, I am reminded of Whose I am. How much more am I a representation of Christ, because I claim Him as my Lord?
Miller continued by reminding that scripture tells us Jesus is not gone from this world. He has come into the world and continues to come into the world through His children, through us. Every morning when our feet hit the floor, it's Christmas morning. In essence, Christmas can be all year long. Jesus comes into the world daily through us. Paul wrote to in Colossians 1:27, "For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing His glory" (NLT). Some translations read, "Christ in you, the hope of glory." We are one with Christ although we are separate beings. As His children, we represent Christ. You represent Christ. I represent Christ.
I'm not much into resolutions, but if I were to make one, "God of Hope" by Charlie Hall voices my resolution for this new year. It's not what I can do in myself, but what Christ can do through me. Maybe Christmas will last longer this year. (You can play the song below)