Sunday, February 10, 2019

Lessons Through Grief - From the Brokenness

This morning I had the privilege of helping lead worship again at Boyd Baptist Church. For the past three years (actually two years and 8 months) there aren't many places that feel like home anymore. But when I sit behind that piano and sing/play with my Praise Team, I feel as close as I think I can get to my heavenly home. My songs are my love to my Father. I will never take that privilege for granted. I am so thankful He's given me the avenue of music to express my love for and to Him.

I shared some thoughts before I sang this morning. Lessons Through Grief - From the Brokenness. Ann Voskamp says - "You are whatever you love. You are, at your very essence, not what you think, but what you love...We are compelled not by what we believe is right, but by what we love the most. You are not driven by duties. You are not driven by doctrines. You are driven by what you ultimately desire." - The Broken Way, A Daring Path Into the Abundant Life.

We can allow so many facets of our lives to drive us, seeking to fill the voids born from our brokenness. But God's promises are true - He WILL supply every need according to His riches in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19) So what do I need? Many days I do not know. But God does and He is one prayer away from helping to meet my needs from His abundant riches, riches I cannot begin to fathom. In Paul's second letter to the church at Thessalonica, he states - "Our God gives you everything you need, makes you everything you're to be." (The Message)

One clearly spoken message God is revealing to me recently (yes, "is revealing" because it's a process) is through the broken way of grief. Most of these grief lessons are hard and I still have so much to learn. God tells me to remember that He is my first love. My desire for Him is where I will find His supply, His goodness, His riches. And very possibly while I am grieving over the changes in my life, that may be His plan to make a change in me.

Thank you to my brothers and sisters on our Praise Team who helped me share this message in song today. I love each of you.

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